1. How does solar work?
2. What is photovoltaic (PV) energy?
3. What size system do I need?
4. What kind of maintenance do solar systems require?
5. What happens when it’s cloudy or at night?
6. Will solar really reduce my monthly power bill?
7. Does installing a system make financial sense for me? Is it a good time to buy?

1. How does solar work?

Solar power is generated from the Earth’s most abundant energy source, the sun. To utilize this resource, solar panels, often referred to as solar modules, are most commonly installed on rooftops. These panels are made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which absorb direct sunlight and convert the energy into direct current (DC) power. DC power generated from the solar panels is sent to an inverter where it is converted into alternating current (AC) power used in your home. AC power from the inverter travels to your electrical panel where it becomes usable power to utilize in your home. The utility meter installed by your local power company continually measures your electrical consumption. When your solar system generates more power than you use, your meter actually spins backwards, creating credits from your utility company to use towards future bills. Throughout this process, your home remains connected to your local utility grid to always assure you are supplied with power when your consumption exceeds the amount of power your system produces, such as on cloudy days or at night.

2. What is photovoltaic (PV) energy

Photovoltaic energy is simply energy that is produced by the sun before it is converted into DC power, then again into AC power to use in your home.

3. What size system do I need?

Each system size varies depending on how much power you use, the amount of available space on your roof, banks or hills, and your specific solar power goals. SolarscapeUSA will design a custom system to meet your particular needs and minimize your monthly utility bills in order to maximize your investment in solar power.

4. What kind of maintenance do solar systems require?

Solar systems require minimal maintenance primarily because they have no moving parts. They have a life span of approx. 20 to 25 years and are not affected by weather or other elements. However, systems do require occasional cleaning and inspection to maximize your solar production. We recommend that you keep trees trimmed that may shade your system and monitor for any events that may produce an excess of dust or debris on your solar panels; panels only need to be cleaned when you notice a significant decrease in energy production.

5. What happens when it’s cloudy or at night?

Because solar power is generated directly from the sun, your system will produce less energy on cloudy days. Similarly, your system will not produce any energy at night or when it’s dark outside. However, your utility meter is always connected to your local utility grid so you will continually be supplied power whether it comes from your own solar power system or your local utility company.

6. Will solar really reduce my monthly power bill?

Absolutely! Installing a solar system on your home can dramatically lower, and potentially eliminate, your monthly power bill. Your savings will immediate upon generating your own solar power. The extent of your savings is dependent upon the size of your system and the amount of electricity you use each month. When your solar system generates more power than you use, your meter spins backwards to create a credit towards future bills and your excess power is sent back to your local utility grid.

7. Does installing a system make financial sense for me? Is it a good time to buy?

Now is the best time to invest in solar. With all of the current financial incentives to make the switch, investing in solar today is the best way to minimize your out of pocket costs and maximize your returns. As the demand for solar continues to rise, government incentives will only continue to diminish and energy prices will only continue to rise. If you’re ready to start paying less for monthly energy bills and you’d like to see an immediate payback for your investment, then don’t waste another sunny day to make the switch to solar power.

To learn more about your financial implications, visit our solar calculator to see how much you could start saving on electricity each month.

(760) 271-5601