Date Publication Story
4/26/2011 New Study Proves That PV Installations Contribute ‘Sizable’ Value To Homes
Homes with solar PV systems sell for a premium over homes without solar installations, according to new research by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
4/1/2011 An Analysis of the Effects of Residential Photovoltaic Energy Systems on Home Sales Prices in California
Homes with solar PV systems sell for a premium over homes without solar installations, according to new research by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
4/12/2011 California renewable energy gets major boost in new law
Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law Tuesday a mandate that 33% of electricity in California must come from renewable sources by 2020.
8/20/2010 Lower Power Use Means Higher Rates
San Diego Gas & Electric, which is asking for a rate increase totaling nearly $1 billion over four years, already has among the highest electricity rates in the country.
8/7/2010 SDG&E Requests Rate Hike
San Diego Gas & Electric Friday proposed a 7 percent rate increase over the next two years to pay for the results of the 2007 wildfires, technology improvements and what it says is an increased cost of doing business.
7/14/2010 State sues agencies over blockage of solar program
The state of California Wednesday sued federal agencies that have thrown a wrench into an innovative solar financing program.
5/19/2010 There’s a Better Way Than Sunrise Powerlink
Is it really necessary to run a power line at a cost of $1.9 billion and the additional expense of the destruction to our environment to get clean energy to San Diego (“SDG&E to buy power from solar farm,” May 14)?
4/19/2010 Solar Installers Tap Into Lucrative Commercial Building Segment
Asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton allegedly replied: “Because that’s where the money is.” San Diego’s solar electric companies are also migrating to where the money is by shifting away from residential roofs and gravitating toward commercial installations, according to Damian Gutierrez, president of Solar Electric in Carlsbad, which sells solar components and systems.
4/6/2010 CaliforniaFIRST Program in Encinitas
In August 2008, the California Governor signed Assembly Bill 811 into law enabling cities and counties to establish Renewable Energy Assessment Districts in which property owners may voluntarily assess their properties as a re-payment instrument on loans used to increase energy efficiency or install renewable energy projects on their property.
3/29/2010 New Financing for Clean Energy Projects
Program Sponsor: California Statewide Communities Development Authority (“California Communities”) is a statewide joint powers authority sponsored by the California State Association of Counties and the League of California Cities.
3/18/2010 Solana Beach adopts state PACE program
Solana Beach property owners who wish to purchase energy-efficient products for their homes will soon be able to fund some of them with loans assessed on their property.
3/3/2010 Kyocera to build solar panels in Kearny Mesa
Partly to take advantage of made-in-America provisions in the federal stimulus law, Kyocera announced plans Wednesday to open a solar-panel-assembly line at its U.S. headquarters in Kearny Mesa.
3/1/2010 City of Carlsbad helps residents and businesses save energy
The City of Carlsbad has joined a pilot program designed to help property owners install solar energy systems and make other energy efficient improvements to their homes and businesses.
2/20/2010 Aside from energy costs, prices see little change
Consumer prices rose 0.2 percent last month — bringing the 12-month total to 2.8 percent — as rising demand and the falling value of the dollar contributed to a jump in fuel prices, according to data released yesterday by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.
2/19/2010 Bill gives solar-power credits to more users
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is poised to sign a bill to ensure that a key financial benefit for installing solar power systems doesn’t go away too soon.
The San Diego City Council today approved amending the city’s municipal code to allow the city to form a financing district for green energy and water efficiency home improvements. The code amendment is a critical step forward for the Clean Generation program, which offers financing for renewable energy as well as energy efficiency and water conservation improvements to San Diego homeowners.
1/2/2010 Counting Carbon
Cap-and-trade opponents have tried to portray the legislation working its way through Congress as bad for business.